About Us

Our Mission: To revitalize underutilized areas of Arvada, guided by a community vision that adapts to evolving challenges.

Arvada Urban Renewal Authority (AURA) is responsible for revitalizing urban areas designated throughout the community by creating successful, high-quality projects that will help produce a vibrant cohesive city and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Arvada.

AURA is an independent body, corporate and politic under the State of Colorado law and governed by a seven member volunteer board appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The Board works under a common vision dictated by the legally approved urban renewal plan.

Under state law, AURA is charged with assisting the City in eliminating and preventing the occurrence of blight. To carry out this mandate, AURA works in collaboration with elected officials, city administrators, private developers, financing sources, as well as the community.

Respecting our past. Engaging our future.