Ralston Road Streetscape

Project Background and Description

The reconstruction of Ralston Road is an ambitious two-phase project to widen this important corridor and provide sustainable infrastructure for the area. Phase One of the project addressed roadway infrastructure, accessibility, pavement conditions, and aesthetic upgrades from Upham to Yukon Streets is completed.

Phase Two, funded through a voter-approved bond measure, will encompass pavement reconstruction from Yukon to Garrison streets as well as widening, adding safety and drainage improvements, bringing existing curb ramps and sidewalks into ADA compliance, replacing aging traffic signals, and incorporating landscaping to create a vibrant urban streetscape.

Highlights of the project include:

  • Create 8-foot-wide detached or 10-foot-wide attached sidewalks (similar to a trail) to allow cyclists access to parks and trails, exceeding ADA minimums, supporting the needs of Arvada’s aging population, and providing space for pedestrians to walk side-by-side or with their pets through the Ralston Road Corridor.
  • Install new ADA-compliant curb ramps and upgrade gutters on both sides of the roadway.
  • Improve pedestrian lighting along sidewalks.
  • Create new streetscape landscaping to improve the pedestrian experience.
  • Add new neighborhood and district markers.
  • Implement planted medians for driver safety.
  • Replace aging traffic and pedestrian signals.
  • Widen traffic lanes and add safety features.
  • Reconstruct pavement on Ralston Road.
  • Widen existing 9-foot vehicle travel lanes to 11 feet to decrease sideswipe accidents.
  • Installation of gutter pans to provide an additional 1 foot of space for the accumulation of rain, snow, and debris outside of the travel lanes.
  • Widen the center two-way-left-turn lane to 12 feet to increase driver safety/comfort while stopped between passing vehicles.